
Iglesias en Sevilla

¿Quieres involucrarte en una iglesia evangélica/protestante en Sevilla? Te ofrecemos una lista de opciones populares.   Oasis International Church Dirección: Numero 1, Av. de Mairena, 13, 41920 San Juan de...

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International Living Post-SIS

My name is Rachel Larson (Miller when I was a student with SIS) and I am now pursuing international opportunities! I studied with SIS in the summer of 2019 (I...

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El Roi, ‘The God Who Sees Me’

When people ask me, “how’s Spain?!?”, I find myself not really knowing what to say. You know those plastic ball pits you find in kiddie jungle gyms/human hamster cages? That...

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El Estilo de Vida en Sevilla!

The semester has only just begun but I am already enchanted by the lifestyle that I’ve experienced so far in Sevilla, so I wanted to share some of my favorite...

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Sink or Swim?

Deluge is one of my favorite words in the English language. “A severe flood; a heavy fall of rain; a great quantity of something arriving at the same time; to...

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El Camino de Santiago

To try and pin down what my most rewarding experience has been here in Spain would be difficult especially after only having passed the halfway point. Living in Sevilla and...

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Traveling Vertically

I can never get enough of traveling. I’ve visited over thirty U.S. states and seven foreign countries, doing everything from missions work to singing in a choir to simple tourism....

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Música Española Durante la Pandemia

Spanish artists have come together during the pandemic to collaborate on musical pieces to support and encourage one another. Join us Saturday, May 1st, at 12:00pm CST to learn from...

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Every Little Second

When I look back on my time in Spain, there are so many memories to share: exploring Sevilla through five days of rain, spending a weekend in Portugal, doing homework...

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Watching Water Boil

            Being abroad as the coronavirus started to become more serious felt like watching water boil; it happened slowly and then all at once. I remember hearing that a new...

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In the spring of 2014 I had the immense privilege to study abroad in Seville, Spain (or more affectionately known to me in its native tongue as Sevilla). This would...

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The Bittersweet End

By Grace Schmidt, Dordt University Student Being sent home from our grand adventure abroad was incredibly sad news. “Sad” is such a simple word, but it seemed to be the...

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You are the BEST

If you’ve ever taken Flamenco lessons with Sylvia, you’ve heard her proclaim, “You are the BEST!” It’s an encouraging reminder that you are incredible whether you fail to curve your...

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Let’s Talk Homesickness

The hardest part of being abroad is also the greatest blessing. It can be summed up in a single word:  people.  Okay, I know that’s vague. Don’t worry – I’ve...

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Spain Has My Heart

FIVE WEEKS OF CLASSES IN THE BOOKS! Somehow, I have managed to squeeze in trips to Gibraltar, Córdoba, Toledo, Madrid, and Cádiz…wow. So is this life as an SIS student?...

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4pm Sevilla-Bound Bus, Seat 37.

Hey y’all! My name is Sarah Balkcom and I am from Memphis, TN. I study Biology, Spanish and Chemistry at Asbury University.  For me, these past 3 weeks have been...

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Greetings! My name is Averee Gumm and this week I have been pondering the many things I have learned on this journey, and I want to provide a bit of...

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Extending the Family

One day at the beginning of the semester I was at Encuentro (a small program after school on Wednesdays where the students of my program get together to worship) when...

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Coming Home

A blog post about fall break by Grace Dummitt! It’s really hard to believe that we are more than halfway through the semester. As I get older, time seems to...

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Uncomfortably, Comfortable

A common phrase I hear when talking with people from TCCSevilla is how “I am uncomfortable, I was uncomfortable, this is going to be uncomfortable, etc.” even I have said...

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Fall 2019 Newsletter

Check out our Fall 2019 Newsletter that highlights two of our students who have completed internships, two new team members, and one professor who attended CAWL!

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On Language and Connection

The world is a lot bigger than we think it is. It’s also quite full of persons. And, yes, I meant to write “persons” instead of “people” because I think...

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It Feels Like Home

Since being in Sevilla, I have listened to the “Café con Leche” playlist on Spotify many times; it seems quite fitting considering the amount of café con leche I have...

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The Final Week of the First Term

These last couple days have been filled with preparing for final exams and finishing projects for my classes, and it has honestly been really nice to slow down and take...

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Week Two

Today is Sunday, May twenty-seven, and I just emerged from my second week in Spain. Wow! It went by really quickly, but at the same time, it crawled by at...

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Semana Santa Afuera de Sevilla

If you don’t like crowds, then Seville during Semana Santa is not the place for you. People come from all over to witness the extravaganza of the hundreds of people...

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Wonder Anew

At the beginning of the semester I was sitting on the rooftop of TCC school here in Seville, Spain wondering what God had in store for me. The morning air...

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Spain and Cultural Diversity

So far during my time here in Spain, I have learned a lot about the value of cultural diversity. The instant change of attitude about schedules, socializing, and style were...

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Flipping the Switch

      You would think that writing a blog post in my native language would be relatively simple, right? Or that with just over two months of my summer...

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My Travels While Abroad

Traveling around and outside of Spain has been a dream. In my first few weeks, I have had the privilege of visiting the cities of Ronda and Santiponce in Spain...

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Welcome to Ronda, a little piece of heaven.  Our whole group took a bus to get there (about 2 hours away). We did a lot of walking around to see...

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¿vale? venga. ¡vamos!

Vale. Venga. Vamos. My roommate and I half-kidded throughout the semester that all you need to know in Spanish are these 3 words. But we were also kind of serious...

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Kayaking in Seville

Like most Acento students, I lived in the neighborhood of Triana during my semester in Seville.  Every day I walked over the Rio Guadalquivir on my way to school and...

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The World in Spain

It has been a week and a half since I returned home from my adventure across the ocean. I will say I was glad to come home, and even more...

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What a Day!

In this post, you’ll learn a little Spanish. See the bottom for help with the italicized words. What a blessing today was. Usually I won’t post every day, but today...

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Convenience and Comfort

A couple days ago I went to Encuentro, which is the youth group like meeting that my study abroad program does each week. We met outside in the Parque de...

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La Tercera Semana

Zooming in on my past week, I was able to do, see and try many new things. I think one of my favorite things that will happen each week is...

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Seville – Like a Dream

Last spring break I went to Disney world with my best friend. I had never been there before and didn’t know what to expect and Kelsie was so excited to...

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Accion Solidaria

Another awesome thing that I’m excited about here is my Accion Solidaria (community service). I’m working with a program called Solidarios: Personas Sin Hogar (People without homes). I get to...

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Tired Feet, Happy Heart

I know the title is a bit cheesy but it really captures the essence of my week.  (On a side note, please forgive my spelling because my spellcheck is stuck...

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The First Few Days

I still have a hard time believing that I am actually here. The last few days have been a bit overwhelming but a lot of fun. The flight from Chicago...

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Lessons Learned

Lesson #1- Take the Plunge The first day that I arrived in Spain, I was dropped off at Gym Galisport, a local fitness center in Triana. About 20 minutes later,...

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Pay de manzana

I’ve been thinking. I made a pie today. Apple pie, with caramel crumble topping, and a shortbread crust. Thinking about the one month anniversary of leaving didn’t inspire me to...

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There and Back Again

I’m home. I’ve been home since Thursday, May 8th. Words cannot describe how good it feels to be back, and neither can they describe the experience I just returned from....

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In Seville I have a family. It is compiled of the friends I have made, the students and the professors from the school, the waiters and waitresses in the restaurants...

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One added bonus of my trip to Spain was participating in a FLASHMOB! For anyone that doesn’t know, a flashmob consists of organized singing or dancing, that appears to be...

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March in Andalusia Is Fantastic

It’s 80 degrees and sunny today! I just had another flamenco dancing class – well, technically sevillanas, which is a bit more specific -which was really fun. This past weekend...

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From El Greco to the Gecko

Last weekend, I ventured to Toledo and Madrid. Toledo is small and rambling; just a little, medieval town selling knives, swords and jewelry in every little shop. Gollum marionettes hang...

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Not seven kilometers from Sevilla are the ruins of Italica, a Roman town. For just a 1.55 euro ticket both ways, you can catch a bus and pay the 2...

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Con ritmo

This is supposed to be a semester of studying abroad, STUDYING. Yeah, that’s a key word. Have I been studying? Of course. What I mean to initiate, is the thought...

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Second Week

This week we had our first Encuentro which is a night of worship organized by the students in my school. We have two teams in which I am a part...

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The First Week

Some things about Sevilla: IT IS BEAUTIFUL. There’s a river (I cross one of the bridges every day to get to school). The buildings are old, ornate, and colorful. There...

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El Amor de Comida

photo by fellow student Jordan Wilmes) Una frase que yo he aprendido va “panza llena, corazón contenta.” Creo que esta frase va estar una que voy a repetir mucho porque...

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Serene Semana

For anyone who has ever missed a night’s sleep, my heart truly goes out to them. I’ve been fortunate enough during my time in Spain to have accomplished many feats...

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La Vida Sevillana

It has a nice ring to it, wouldn’t you say?  After spending almost three weeks in Sevilla, I thought it might be time to share some of my daily life...

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La mejor identidad

Here is a bit of insight on one of the things I’ve been learning most about during this semester abroad….and that is, the idea of “identity.” Before leaving for my...

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School Outings

Every day I am here, I am more impressed with the Trinity/Acento program. Today in my literature class we walked the streets of Sevilla and read a story outside of the...

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El Sabor de Sevilla

I Love Rosa I woke up this morning….afternoon…in a hurry because Rosa wanted to go out for lunch! For anyone who knows me at all, you know this is my...

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It’s like riding a bike

A few things about Sevici…. Okay so here’s the deal. Sevilla has a fantastic bike system that’s super convenient and really fun…but it also has its challenges. This is for...

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First Impressions

Here I am in Sevilla, and it is more than I could have ever imagined it to be! So much has happened so far, so I’ll start at the beginning.....

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When I was first looking at doing the Semester in Spain program I noticed the pictures of the girls in traditional flamenco dresses with their hair and makeup done and...

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Once-in-a-lifetime Experiences

Semester in Spain is definitely one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences. This is a semester where students like me can come and be immersed in a completely different culture. We come...

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One Week

Wednesday the 7th of September marked exactly seven days since we first arrived in Seville. When my friends and I realized that little fact yesterday, we couldn’t really believe it....

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A Semester of First Times

The joy that a person feels when they do something for the first time is hard to describe, but it is a joy that I hope everyone experiences at some...

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Tales from Toledo

Toledo. Two days. One city. Many swords. If I could think of one word to describe my experience in Toledo, it would definitely be: unexpected. Don’t get me wrong, I...

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The life of a Señora

When I grow up, I wouldn’t mind to have the life of my señora. Every morning she gets up and neatly sets out our breakfast of crackers , peanut butter...

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