The semester has only just begun but I am already enchanted by the lifestyle that I’ve experienced so far in Sevilla, so I wanted to share some of my favorite parts as well as walk you through what a typical day has looked like for me in these first three weeks!
I am not a super-early-morning-person, so the slow mornings here have been quite magical for me! Every other day I don’t have class until 12:20, so I am really able to take my time getting ready in the morning as well as eating my tostada con mermelada and drinking my café con leche! 🙂
Once I’m ready to head to class I either walk for about 25 minutes or bike for 10-15. Both forms of transportation allow me to take in so much of the city sights such as the Torre del Oro or Puente de Triana right along my commute to the school. It’s so refreshing to have some physical activity built into my daily routine!

Once I’m ready to head to class I either walk for about 25 minutes or bike for 10-15. Both forms of transportation allow me to take in so much of the city sights such as the Torre del Oro or Puente de Triana right along my commute to the school. It’s so refreshing to have some physical activity built into my daily routine!
On the opposite of my 12:20 days, my first class starts at 9 but I have a break between that and my next class, so I usually go to a local coffee shop near the school – there are plenty to choose from, but my favorite so far is called “un gato en bicicleta” (a cat on a bicycle!). My go-to coffee order has been

the “café bombón,” which is a double shot of espresso with condensed milk. It’s delicious!
After classes are over, I walk back to my apartment, typically with a friend who lives in my area of the city, chatting in Spanish along the way! Then I eat lunch with my host family while we watch the news and talk with one another. Following lunch, of course, is siesta! I spend most siestas resting or working on a little bit of homework since most of the shops on my street close during that time.
Around 5pm, businesses reopen for the evening and people fill the streets again. My favorite part about life in Sevilla so far is how so much of people’s lives take place outside of the house! You meet with friends at cafés, restaurants, parks, anywhere but in the home. The streets are so lively almost all hours of the day!

Lastly, I eat dinner with my host family between 9:30 and 10:30pm around the “mesa de camilla” (the dining room table, that has a heater underneath!). We chat about what’s on TV and how our days have been. I have been so grateful for my host family being willing to share their home and lives with me! They are so hospitable, kind, and patient with me, even when I ask them to repeat what they’ve just said in Spanish multiple times! 🙂 It has already been so much fun getting to know them, and I can’t wait to build even stronger relationships with them as the semester goes on! Me encanta la vida en Sevilla!