Uncomfortably, Comfortable

A common phrase I hear when talking with people from TCCSevilla is how “I am uncomfortable, I was uncomfortable, this is going to be uncomfortable, etc.” even I have said it may be a couple hundred times since coming to Spain in August. The word uncomfortable can mean so many different things, it can be used as an excuse to not try something or something not to do ever again. Over the last few weeks, I have experienced uncomfortable situations, words, people, food, and afterward, I so badly want to fall back into my box of comfort, but if I did when and where would I grow? How could I meet new people like the abuelas at my church? Or realize my love for travel? Or know that I absolutely do not like gazpacho?

Fall 2019 Newsletter

Check out our Fall 2019 Newsletter that highlights two of our students who have completed internships, two new team members, and one professor who attended CAWL!

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