In the spring of 2014 I had the immense privilege to study abroad in Seville, Spain (or more affectionately known to me in its native tongue as Sevilla). This would be my first visit to Europe, my first experience with the anatomical wonder of jet lag, and a first in many other things yet unknown. […]


In Seville I have a family. It is compiled of the friends I have made, the students and the professors from the school, the waiters and waitresses in the restaurants where I often go, the people that I exercise with in Maria Luisa Park every week, my intercambios, my roommate and especially my señora, my […]

El Amor de Comida

photo by fellow student Jordan Wilmes) Una frase que yo he aprendido va “panza llena, corazón contenta.” Creo que esta frase va estar una que voy a repetir mucho porque yo he comiendo buenísimo aquí en Sevilla. Desde comiendo pescado y pulpo en la casa a comiendo postres de pan y chocolate a bebiendo café, […]

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